Fons Vermorken

Group ExCo Member - Innovate


Fons co-founded SigmaRoc together with David Barrett, Max Vermorken, Garth Palmer, and Charles Trigg. Fons joined the Company at its founding in 2016 as a consultant, assisting with the acquisitions of Ronez and several other companies, while also focusing on all matters related with IT, Enterprise Resource Management implementations, analytics, and digital innovation. As the Company grew, the need for further increased M&A support, specialist systems and IT risk management was required, and Fons gradually increased his involvement to now join full time as CIO.

Prior to joining SigmaRoc, Fons built a career in big data analytics and programming, developing software solutions and applications to analyse vast data sets for risk management, trading, investing and accounting purposes. He started his career with Société Générale S.A., on the Hedge Fund risk desk, assisted with the restructuring of Apollo Global Management held portfolio companies, and built trading software packages for hedge fund Altana Wealth. He holds degrees in Financial Economics and in Computational Econometrics from ESCP Business School, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Ghent University, and published several peer-reviewed papers on big data analytics.

His focus as CIO will be on Enterprise Resource Management systems integration, data analytics for performance optimisation, digital marketing/innovation and targeted M&A work. He will be assisted by a small team of three based in London.