The concept of dynamic biodiversity management combines integrated management of the operation of an active quarry with dynamic preservation, management and restoration measures for species and habitats. This principle makes it possible to integrate the populations of species present in the quarry into a network of habitats ensuring constant availability of environments conducive to their development. We have integrated the dynamic management of biodiversity into its extraction activity as part of the Life in Quarries project and have conducted annual monitoring to assess the structure and functionality of the habitats created. Since 2020, in Belgium we have ensured compliance with a management plan in response to local biological issues using the tools and skills acquired as part of the Life in Quarries project.
During 2023, specific training was given by the University of Gembloux on two areas:
1. Pollinators - Career pollinators and the awareness about the disappearance of wild bees which are essential for biodiversity and a large part of the crops intended for our food. Pollinators need quality food resources at each stage of their life, winter nesting sites, construction materials for nesting and shelter to protect themselves from the wind and predators all whilst considering light pollution.
2. Planting hedges in Quarries - With their gradual disappearance throughout the country, hedges have taken away the multiple roles they fulfilled. They have local and regional ecological importance by diversifying the landscape and providing habitat and food resources for many species. They fulfil other roles of ecological connectivity and provide a range of ecosystem services, shading, fight against runoff, improvement of soil quality. They also support the quarry in other services: fight against erosion, protective barrier, sound insulation. They can constitute an additional opportunity to contribute to the conservation of Biodiversity in the quarry.